Management of E-commerce and E-government

· Advances in computation Sách 17 · Nova Publishers
Sách điện tử

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E-Commerce and E-Government has become known as the wave of the future for business all over the world. Whether large, small, or just starting, E-Commerce and E- Government have been the easier and more sufficient way to handle business. This book brings together revised and expanded versions of eighteen papers selected from the 2003 International Conference on Management of e-Commerce and e-Government. This book presents leading edge research in this new and exciting field. The ICMeCG 2003 has initially received a total of 176 submissions from Australia, China, Norway, UK, and USA. Unfortunately, risk of SARS prevented many authors from actually participating in the conference. The Program Committee of ICMeCG selected papers through a careful reviewing process. Although some papers remain devoted to conceptual and general discussion about e-Commerce management, many papers have adopted quantitative or formal analysis methods in their research. Results presented in these papers provide an important contribution, especially as compared with earlier research based on qualitative methods alone. This book presents cutting edge research in this new and exciting field.

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