Market Restaurant + Bar Cookbook: Seasonally Inspired Cuisine from Southern California

· Rowman & Littlefield
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Carl Schroeder, Chef/Owner of Market Restaurant + Bar in Del Mar, California, grew up in La Jolla and has San Diego in his soul. He knows the lay of the land here and is dedicated to working with local farmers and fishermen. San Diego is, after all, a coastal city with an abundance of seafood and access to fresh farm produce. He has a passion for organic, natural and locally sourced products and his cuisine is inspired by those seasonally fresh and local ingredients.

Market Restaurant + Bar Cookbook’s one hundred and forty recipes are from Schroeder’s daily-changing menu and were carefully adapted for the home cook. He gently guides the readers to the best local ingredients by season and shows them how to turn those ingredients into great food: from Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin and Slow-Roasted Pork Shoulder in Fall to Pan-Seared Chilean Sea Bass in Winter toSweet Pea Salad and Creamy Pepper Vinaigrette in Spring to Yellowtail Tartare and Dungeness Crab in Summer.

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O autorovi

Carl Schroeder graduated in 1996 from the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, and then worked at a number of notable California restaurants under top chefs, including Aqua in San Francisco with Chef Michael Mina, and Lark Creek Inn in Marin with Chef Bradley Ogden. In 2002 he became executive chef at Ogden’s Arterra Restaurant in Del Mar. During this time Schroeder received numerous honors, including Best Hotel Chef Series, the James Beard Foundation’s California Chef of the Year 2004, and the California Travel Industry Association’s Top 8 Chefs in Southern California. He has been featured in Bon Appétit, Gourmet, San Diego Union Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, San Diego Magazine, Coastal Living, Hotel Bel Air Magazine, Art Culinaire, and other publications. He has been nominated for a James Beard Award three times.

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