Marriage on Command

· Harlequin
5 opiniones
Libro electrónico

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Lee admired hotshot Australian tycoon Damien Moore—he was a brilliant lawyer, as well as drop-dead gorgeous. But she was stunned when a legal loophole forced her to marry him! Damien assured Lee it would be temporary and in name only. But there was nothing pretend about the passion between them. They were husband and wife in public and in private…. Was their marriage turning into the real thing?

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5 opiniones

Acerca del autor

Lindsay Armstrong was born in South Africa. She grew up with three ambitions: to become a writer, to travel the world, and to be a game ranger. She managed two out of three! When Lindsay went to work it was in travel and this started her on the road to seeing the world. It wasn't until her youngest child started school that Lindsay sat down at the kitchen table determined to tackle her other ambition — to stop dreaming about writing and do it! She hasn't stopped since.

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