Miracle Juices

· በHamlyn የተሸጠ

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Miracle Juices contains over 40 nutritious juices recommended to combat specific ailments such as asthma and high blood pressure. Quick and easy to prepare, each juice is guaranteed to boost health and vitality. With nutritional analysis for every recipe, detailing the vitamin, mineral and calorie content of your chosen beverage, you can be sure that each miracle juice is helping to maintain a balanced and healthy diet.


Amanda Cross, a trained nutritionalist, has had a varied career including TV presenter for UK Living and Channel Health, health and beauty journalist and author. She is the author of Food Boosters for Kids, Miracle Soups and Curb the Carb, all published by Hamlyn.Location: Southampton, UK.Charmaine Yabsley is the editor of Healthy Magazine and the editor in chief of the LA Fitness Magazine. An Australian, she moved to London to further her career in journalism. Charmaine also writes for Channel Health and contributes to several other health publicatons.

ለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ ደረጃ ይስጡ

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የንባብ መረጃ

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ላፕቶፖች እና ኮምፒውተሮች
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እንደ Kobo ኢ-አንባቢዎች ባሉ ኢ-ቀለም መሣሪያዎች ላይ ለማንበብ ፋይል አውርደው ወደ መሣሪያዎ ማስተላለፍ ይኖርብዎታል። ፋይሎቹን ወደሚደገፉ ኢ-አንባቢዎች ለማስተላለፍ ዝርዝር የእገዛ ማዕከል መመሪያዎቹን ይከተሉ።