My Husband Is Gay: A Woman's Guide to Surviving the Crisis

· Myyjä: Crossing Press
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“These women demonstrate the will to survive intact . . . Their passage to wholeness exemplifies forgiveness, growth, healing, hope, and sometimes reconciliation.”—from MY HUSBAND IS GAY
Carol and Jim were high school sweethearts who married in their early twenties. Thirty years and two children later, Jim announced to his wife that he was homosexual. A fundamentalist Christian, he had been leading a double life for years. In an effort to sort out her pain and confusion, Carol Grever sought out other heterosexual women, of all ages, ethnicities, and educational backgrounds, who were married to gay men. The stories she uncovered examine their coping strategies and form the basis of this manual for healing.

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Carol Grever has been a businesswoman and an English professor. She lives in Boulder, Colorado, with her second husband and her beloved cat, Sundance. Visit her at and

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