Mystic Mischief

· Mystic Isle Mysteries 3. kniha · Gemma Halliday Publishing
2 recenzie
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From USA Today bestselling authors Sally J. Smith & Jean Steffens comes another Mystic Isle Mystery that will leave you yo-ho-ho-ing with laughter...


Just when Melanie Hamilton thought things couldn't get stranger at The Mansion at Mystic Isle, she finds herself in the middle of a true pirate treasure hunt! Fortune hunters have arrived Indiana Jones-style at the New Orleans resort where she and boyfriend Jack Stockton work, with their eyes on the prize of a long-lost and priceless letter stolen from the famous pirate Jean Lafitte. Two archeologists, a Hollywood camera crew, and a marauding gator suddenly have Melanie so busy she almost doesn't even have time to quarrel with Jack over the arrival of his ex-girlfriend... Almost. But her romantic issues take a back seat when a dead body shows up at the home of the resort's owner. Now it’s up to Mel and the rest of the odd crew at Mystic Isle to bring order back to the bayou and solve the murder. But if someone would kill once for a piece of parchment, would they kill twice? And could Mel wind up at the bottom of Davy Jones’ Locker?



Mystic Isle Mysteries:

Mystic Mayhem (book #1)

Mystic Mojo (shorts story in the Killer Beach Reads collection)

Mystic Mistletoe Murder (book #2)

Mystic Mischief (book #3)

 Mystic Deception (book #4)


What critics are saying about Sally J. Smith & Jean Steffens:


"Charming, cunning and clever, MYSTIC MAYHEM is a smartly paced murder mystery."

Romance Junkies


"Sally J. Smith and Jean Steffens bring the beauty of the bayou alive with this cozy murder mystery. If you like flirting and fun with your dose of fear this is a must-read."

Night Owl Reviews

Hodnotenia a recenzie

2 recenzie

O autorovi

USA Today bestselling authors Sally J. Smith and Jean Steffens, are partners in crime—crime writing, that is. They live in Scottsdale, Arizona, awesome for eight months out of the year, an inferno the other four. They write bloody murder, flirty romance, and wicked humor all in one package. When their heads aren't together over a manuscript, you'll probably find them at a movie or play, a hockey game or the mall, or at one of the hundreds of places to find a great meal in the Valley of the Sun.

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