

 Nangarni (literally, ploughing) is a sequel to Zombee by the same author. After a brave struggle the author completed his schooling but when he announced his intention to pursue his education he met a cold response from his parents. The family lived dismal poverty. His father, a landless agriculture laborer; and his mother with additional family responsibility worked hard to make the two ends meet. They wanted him to earn and support the family. It was a ‘To be or not to be’ situation for the author. Nangarni is the lucid account of how Dr. Anand Yadav who rose to become the Head the Department of Marathi in Pune University accomplished his dream. It was not a cake walk for the teenager. He had financial uncertainty hanging on him like the Damocles’ sword. Practically, every year he had to find a source of income to support himself. Educational facilities were not as widespread as they are now He faced humiliation for very small things such as his pronunciation. The parents could not get along well and his sisters had to be married. The title throws light on how Dr.Yadav became a man of letters. Dr. Yadav writes gratefully about all who helped him. Even as he is busy in his studies Dr. Yadav does not forget his roots and carries out his family duties. The references to the social and political events such as the Samyukta Maharashtra Movement or the Land Tenancy Act and their influence on the author’s life are interesting. Anand Yadav (b.1935) is one of the pioneers of Marathi literature that portrays rural Maharashtra. A prolific writer whose works have win many awards at the state level, his present work, Zombee, has bagged the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award for the nest work in Marathi in 1990. कणखर सकसता आणण्यासाठी भूमीनं स्वत:वर धारदार अवजारांनी आडवे उभे घाव घालून घेणे आणि सूर्यभट्टीत अंतर्बाह्य होरपळणे म्हणजे नांगरणी. उत्तम पिकांच्या समृद्धीसाठी शेत-मळ्यांवर हिरवीगार साय साकळावी; अंगाखांद्यांवरच्या गाईगुरांना, माणसाकाणसांना, किड्यामुंग्यांना, चिमण्या-पाखरांच्या इवल्या चोचींना मूठमूठ-चिमूटचिमूट चाराचणा मिळावा; म्हणून भूमीनं स्वत:ची सोशिकपणे केलेली उरस्फोड म्हणजे नांगरणी. इच्छा-आकांक्षांची पूर्तता करणारा पाऊस कृपावंत होऊन पडावा म्हणून तहानलेल्या पृथ्वीनं वासलेली चोच म्हणजे नांगरणी. नांगरणी म्हणजे हिरव्या चैतन्याला जन्म देऊ पाहणाऱ्या सर्जनोत्सुक भूमीची घुसमटणारी निर्मितिपूर्व करुणावस्था.






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