
· Open Road Media
4 bài đánh giá
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G. K. Chesterton meditates on the value of the Christian faith to society in this celebrated essay

Inspired by a friend to examine his personal philosophy on religion, G. K. Chesterton walks readers through his conversion to Christianity, which was based on a rational consideration of fact. Orthodoxy considers the logical and scholarly arguments in favor of the Christian faith and presents an impassioned argument for the church as a positive, liberal organization. One of the strongest apologias ever written, it is a critical triumph from a renowned author, poet, journalist, and philosopher, whose own spiritual journey provides the foundation for this fascinating treatise on religious belief.

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4 bài đánh giá

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G. K. Chesterton (1874–1936) was a prolific English journalist and author best known for his mystery series featuring the priest-detective Father Brown and for the metaphysical thriller The Man Who Was Thursday. Baptized into the Church of England, Chesterton underwent a crisis of faith as a young man and became fascinated with the occult. He eventually converted to Roman Catholicism and published some of Christianity’s most influential apologetics, including Heretics and Orthodoxy

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