Own Your Kitchen: Recipes to Inspire & Empower: A Cookbook

· በClarkson Potter የተሸጠ
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

In this follow-up to her spectacular bestselling debut Cook Like a Rock Star, Food Network chef and host Anne Burrell shows you not just how to keep rocking in the kitchen, but how to cook like you own it with 100 recipes to get you comfortable with dozens of essential techniques.

Taking control in the kitchen means mastering flavors and constantly keeping an eye on what Anne calls "QC" (quality control). It starts with learning the power of great ingredients (how quality olive oil and salt can transform an everyday dish), understanding the tools in your kitchen, and getting your mise en place ready before diving into a recipe. Anne shows you how to apply these skills to a slew of delicious, high-brow/low-stress recipes that get you out of a cooking rut, so you can keep surprising yourself in the kitchen. POC (piece of cake)!

Try out your new skills with classic bistro fare, such as Grilled Hanger Steak, Fish and Chips, or simple dishes, like Mushroom Soup with Bacon, and Shrimp in Garlic Oil and Chiles. Master roasting with a Hawaiian pork dish, have fun with spices making chicken roti, for a casual bite there’s her Sicilian Tuna, Caponata, Provolone & Arugula Panino. Each dish—whether firsts, seconds, sides, brunch, sandwiches or desserts—is accessible yet teaches a range of techniques and embraces tantalizing flavors. And they all share Anne’s secrets to great home cooking.

Here is Anne at her most personal—complete with her enthusiastic, sassy approach to how to get the most out of ingredients and whip up irresistibly delicious dishes that she likes to cook at home. So cook these recipes, master them, and then you will OWN YOUR KITCHEN!

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Anne Burrell is the New York Times bestselling author of Cook Like a Rock Star. She was the host for many years of Food Network’s Secrets of a Restaurant Chef and is co-host of Worst Cooks in America and host of Chef Wanted with Anne Burrell. A graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, Anne worked at Lidia Bastianich’s Felidia and Peter Hoffman’s Savoy and taught at the Institute of Culinary Education. She lives in New York City.

Suzanne Lenzer is a food writer and stylist. Her most recent collaboration is Flavor Exposed with Angelo Sosa. She has worked closely with cookbook author Mark Bittman and her work appears regularly in various publications, including the New York Times. A graduate of the Institute of Culinary Education, she lives in New York City.


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