Pacific Food System Outlook 2008-2009: Climate Change and the Food System

· Lectures, Workshops, and Proceedings of International Conferences 182-р ном · Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
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The Pacific Food System Outlook represents the first regionwide coordinated effort to provide the outlook for the Pacific food system. The food system includes not just production agriculture, but also the whole complex of economic relationships and linkages that tie the regions food consumers to producers. The goal of the Pacific Food System Outlook is to help increase knowledge about the diverse components of this vital segment of the global economy.

           This year's report focuses on climate change and its ramifications for the Asia-Pacific food system, arguably one of the most affected sectors in the regions economy. The report identifies the potential public and private sector responses to the daunting future challenges of this issue, the most complex of the issues we have addressed in the 12-year history of the PFSO.

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