
· Allen & Unwin
7 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

The original Chunky cookbooks have sold well in excess of 2 million copies in more than 50 countries. This welcome addition to the series follows the same winning formula, with all recipes triple-tested and each one accompanied by a photograph. Exciting pasta dishes of all varieties - short, filled, long and curly and flat are featured, including: Cajun scallops with pasta and buttery corn sauce Creamy pasta with peas and prosciutto Penne with rustic lentil sauce Pasta with ricotta, chilli and herbs Farfalle with tuna, capers and lemon cream sauce Quick mushroom and ricotta cannelloni Veal tortellini with roasted pumpkin and basil butter Beetroot ravioli with sage burnt butter sauce Lasagnette with spicy chicken meatballs Pappardelle with salmon and gremolata Pasta with lamb shank, rosemary and red wine ragù Pasta with artichokes and grilled chicken

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7 recenzií

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