Pistols at Dawn (Intrepid Heroines Series, Book 4)

· Intrepid Heroines Series 4-kitob · ePublishing Works!
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Eliza Kirtland will do anything to see the man who cruelly assaulted her sister brought to justice—even point a pistol at the notorious Lord Killingworth.

But her mistaken accusations result in grave injury to the earl's nephew. Now Eliza's sister—a noted healer—feels obliged to nurse the young man back to health, and Eliza has no choice but to help.

Killingworth is not pleased with the arrangement. Tensions swirl between the four of them, until new bonds are discovered when evil strikes again and they must work together to fight a relentless enemy, who will stop at nothing to drive Killingworth away from his estate.

Code of Honor
The Hired Hero
A Stroke of Luck
Pistols at Dawn

The Banished Bride
Lady of Letters
The Major's Mistake

LESSONS IN LOVE, in series order
The Defiant Governess
Second Chances
The Storybook Hero

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Andrea Pickens created her first book at the age of five—a neatly penciled story about cowboys—however she has since moved on from Westerns to writing about Regency England, a time and place that has captured her imagination ever since she opened the covers of Pride and Prejudice.

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