Poison Dance: A Novella

· Midnight Thief 0-р ном · Lion's Quill Press
25 шүүмж
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James is skilled, efficient, and deadly, a hired blade navigating the shifting alliances of a deteriorating Assassin’s Guild. Then he meets Thalia, an alluring but troubled dancing girl who offers him a way out—if he’ll help her kill a powerful nobleman. With the Guild falling apart, it just might be worth the risk. But when you live, breathe, and love in a world that’s forever flirting with death, the slightest misstep can be poison.


Poison Dance is a short story of approximately 14,000 words long (54 printed pages). The ebook also includes several deleted scenes and behind-the-scenes blog posts about the writing process for this novella.

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25 шүүмж

Зохиогчийн тухай

  Livia Blackburne started writing her debut novel MIDNIGHT THIEF while conducting research on the neuroscience of reading at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Since then, she’s switched to full time writing, which also involves getting into peoples’ heads but without the help of a three tesla MRI scanner.  She still blogs about the intersection of psychology, neuroscience, and writing.

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