Positive Psychology and Change: How Leadership, Collaboration, and Appreciative Inquiry Create Transformational Results

· Được bán bởi John Wiley & Sons
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Positive Psychology and Change explores how areas of positive psychology such as strengths, flow, and psychological capital can be applied to the everyday challenges of leading a dynamic and adaptive work community, and how collaborative group approaches to transformational change can be combined with a positive mindset to maintain optimism and motivation in an unpredictable working environment.
  • Articulates a unique vision for organizational leadership in the 21st century that combines positive psychology, Appreciative Inquiry (AI), and collaborative group technologies
  • Focuses on four specific co-creative approaches (Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space, World Café and SimuReal) and the ways in which they surpass traditional methods for organizational change
  • Explains the latest theory, research, and practice, and translates it into concrete, actionable ideas for meeting the day-to-day challenges of effective and adaptive leadership and management
  • Includes learning features such as boxed text, short case studies, stories, and cartoons

Giới thiệu tác giả

SARAH LEWIS, an acknowledged expert on positive psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, is Managing Director and Principal Psychologist at Appreciating Change (www.acukltd.com). She is an Associated Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a Principal Member of the Association of Business Psychologists. She is the author of Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management (2nd edition, 2016) and Positive Psychology at Work (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011). Her work is informed by a positive and appreciative view of organizations, and she also has particular expertise in systemic consultation, Open Space, World Café and Simu-Real. She is a frequent presenter at national and international conferences, facilitates large group events and regularly runs workshops on “The Psychology of Change” through the CIPD.

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