Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services

· Predajca: John Wiley & Sons
1 recenzia
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Táto e‑kniha

An in-depth look at the radical changes to the newest release of SISS

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services (SISS) builds on the revolutionary database product suite first introduced in 2005. With this crucial resource, you will explore how this newest release serves as a powerful tool for performing extraction, transformation, and load operations (ETL). A team of SQL Server experts deciphers this complex topic and provides detailed coverage of the new features of the 2012 product release. In addition to technical updates and additions, the authors present you with a new set of SISS best practices, based on years of real-world experience that have transpired since the previous edition was published.

  • Details the newest features of the 2012 SISS product release, which is the most significant release since 2005
  • Addresses the keys to a successful ETL solution, such as using the right enterprise ETL tool and employing the right ETL architecture in order to meet the system requirements
  • Includes additional case studies and tutorial examples to illustrate advanced concepts and techniques

Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services is a valuable resource that meets the demands and high expectations of experienced SSIS professionals.

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1 recenzia

O autorovi

Brian Knight is the founder of Pragmatic Works and co-founder of and

Erik Veerman is a consultant, author, trainer, and a mentor with SolidQ. His award-winning industry recognition includes Microsoft's BI Solution of the Year and SQL Server Magazine's Innovator Cup.

Jessica M. Moss is a well-known architect, speaker, author, and Microsoft MVP of SQL Server business intelligence who has created data warehousing solutions for a variety of industries.

Mike Davis, MCTS, MCITP, is the Managing Project Lead at Pragmatic Works. He has co-authored several business intelligence books and regularly speaks at SQL events.

Chris Rock is a software developer and program manager at Pragmatic Works, where he develops custom SSIS components and software.

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