Psychology for health professionals: Edition 2

· Elsevier Health Sciences
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This fully updated second edition is written specifically for health science and nursing students in Australia and New Zealand.

Authored by the highly regarded Patricia Barkway, with a diverse range of expert contributors, this Elsevier e-book interprets psychology for nurses, as well as for students of paramedicine, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, public health, pharmacy, psychology, social work and midwifery. Psychology for Health Professionals 2e e-book examines essential psychological theories, placing them within a social context. Acknowledging increasing awareness that behaviour is influenced as much by external factors as biological and psychological ones, the book’s first half outlines psychological, lifespan and social theories, then applies them to contemporary health issues in later chapters. A key focus of this leading psychology e-book is examining individual personality and psychological theory within the social context of people’s lives. New content includes current, evidence-based research, references and clinical examples relevant to interdisciplinary, contemporary healthcare practice. Issues of cultural safety and awareness have been strengthened throughout; there is a new section on chronic illness and a focus on recovery. This introductory psychology e-book does not assume its readers will have prior ‘psychology’ knowledge, yet it can easily be used well beyond first-year university.

  • Critical thinking questions
  • Classroom activities
  • Research focus boxes providing examples of current research and evidence-based practice
  • Interdisciplinary case studies throughout
  • Further resources and web links to provide further reading and research and up-to-date information, data and statistics

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