RESET™: 12 day “back-to-basics” exercise and nutrition programme

· One Element
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මෙම ඉ-පොත ගැන

Reset™ is a brilliant way to lose weight, invigorate your body and kick start your fitness, it focuses on getting "back-to-basics": eating fresh, vibrant, non-processed foods, so you feel more energized. Your e-book has 12 simple evening recipes, as well as quick breakfasts and portable lunches. The fitness plan shows you effective ten minute daily exercise sessions, and you'll do an hour of fitness every other day. try it!

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කර්තෘ පිළිබඳ

Throughout the development of this programme we have brought together some important coaching, nutritional and exercise concepts that are current and well documented. We have had contributions from experts in each field. 

From a coaching and psychology perspective Dr. Brian Marien MB BS MRCP DRCOG MSC (Psychol.) MRCGP ( and from a nutritional perspective Dr. Allan Stewart MB BS MRCP (UK) MF (Hom.) ( provided excellent guidance.

My thanks go to Nicole Kieley, Sally Marien, Elizabeth O'connell and reset chef Tim Zobu for the fantastic recipies.

Thanks to George Powell for the Photo's and David Stimson for the design.

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