Racing Weight Cookbook: Lean, Light Recipes for Athletes

· Прадавец: VeloPress
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Racing Weight Cookbook delivers more than 100 flavorful, easy recipes for athletes that will help you hit your ideal weight without compromising your performance.

Whatever your training demands, Racing Weight meals make it simple to dial in the right mix of carbs, fat, and protein and satisfy your appetite. Put high-quality, well-balanced meals on your table in as little as 15 minutes with time-saving tips for food preparation and grocery shopping.

Discover the best foods for athletes:
•    100+ healthy recipes for any athlete, from reluctant cook to cooking enthusiast
•    Whole grains, fiber, and lean protein to elevate diet quality
•    Fresh, energy-dense meals that help runners, triathletes, and cyclists train harder
•    Nutrient-rich bars and smoothies to promote fast recovery

With Racing Weight Cookbook, you’ll take control of your diet with the proven Racing Weight approach, practiced by the world’s best endurance athletes and backed by scientific research. The fastest athletes tend to be the leanest, but every athlete needs to eat well to perform well. Racing Weight Cookbook makes it easy for you to eat and train for weight loss at the same time.

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Звесткі пра аўтара

Matt Fitzgerald is a certified sports nutritionist and the author of numerous books on running, triathlon, nutrition, and weight loss. His most recent books are Racing Weight Cookbook, Racing Weight Quick Start Guide, RUN: The Mind-Body Method of Running by Feel, Racing Weight, Brain Training for Runners, and The Runner's Diary. Matt is a regular contributor to Men's Fitness, Men's Health, Outside, Runner's World, Bicycling, Running Times, Women's Running, and other sports and fitness publications. Fitzgerald is a featured coach on TrainingPeaks, Pear Sports, and He is a certified sports nutritionist (CISSN) licensed by the International Society of Sports Nutrition. He lives and trains near San Francisco, California.

Georgie Fear is an endurance athlete, personal trainer, and registered dietitian. She's a healthy foodie and author of two cookbooks Fuel Up and Dig In. Fear graduated with a degree in Nutritional Science from Rutgers University and oversaw the sports nutrition programs for 21 Division I athletic teams. She enjoys answering food and health questions on

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