Reinventing the Entrepreneur: Turning Your Dream Business into a Reality

· Được bán bởi John Wiley & Sons
Sách điện tử

Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Introducing a million-dollar business model that you can do from home, on the road, or in your spare time

Mary Ellen Tribby, founder of Working Moms Only, has created and perfected a business model that is 500% more profitable than blogging, that you can do from home, from an office, or from anywhere in the world, that's easy to learn, and extremely profitable. With it, Mary Ellen has made millions through her various own businesses and her clients, and now you can too.

It's called The Inbox Magazine (The iMag for short) and regardless of the size of your staff—from one to one hundred—or whether you spend ten or forty hours a week working at it, this revolutionary approach to running a business is your ticket to success and financial independence.

  • Makes Mary Ellen Tribby's extraordinarily successful business strategies available to the public in a book for the first time
  • If you're already in business, it arms you with proven techniques for boosting your bottom line by an order of magnitude—in no time
  • If you're a novice entrepreneur, it delivers powerful tools for getting your business off the ground and running full throttle—right away
  • The perfect tool for the time, the Inbox Magazine is what you need to create a huge impact with the minimum investment of time, energy, and money

Giới thiệu tác giả

MaryEllen Tribby is the founder and CEO of Met Edge Media. She is well known for launching iMags such as, the world's leading Inbox Magazine and website for the empowerment of the working mom as well as The CEO's Edge, where entrepreneurs learn how to build a stronger business. Prior to founding Met Edge Media, MaryEllen was publisher and CEO of Early To Rise where she was responsible for growing the business from $8 million in sales to $26 million in just 15 months. Before that, she served as president of Weiss Research where she led the company to $67 million in sales from $11 million in just 12 months. Earlier in her career, she ran divisions at Forbes, Times Mirror Magazines, and Crain's New York Business, where she learned from some of the best business mentors in the world. Today MaryEllen is a highly sought- after international business consultant, speaker, and author. She resides in South Florida with her husband of 17 years, their three beautiful children, and their nutty boxer, Coco. You can find out more about MaryEllen at and

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