Retirement GPS: How to Navigate Your Way to A Secure Financial Future with Global Investing

· McGraw Hill Professional
9 пікір
Электрондық кітап

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The secret to ensuring financial peace of mind in retirement?


Building a solid retirement portfolio while ignoring the global economy is simply not a reality anymore. While still strong, the U.S. economy is no longer the only big player on the scene. China, India, Turkey, and Brazil are just a few of the many powerful upstarts in global markets. The world has changed for good--and your portfolio must change with it.

Financial advisor Aaron Katsman steers you in the right direction by providing you with a Global Portfolio Strategy (GPS) tailored specifically for today's diverse world economy. In Retirement GPS, Katsman calls for a more balanced portfolio in light of today's realities--one that places heavy emphasis on foreign investments. This no-nonsense guide teaches you:

  • Why international investing is critical to your retirement portfolio
  • Where the best places to begin investing are--from Scandinavia to the Middle East
  • How to invest in foreign stocks and bonds

Set your course for a happy, safe financial future. The tool you need is right at your fingertips--Retirement GPS.

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9 пікір

Авторы туралы

Aaron Katsman is president and CEO of Lighthouse Capital, LLC, a boutique investment firm serving a global clientele. A regular contributor to, he is author of the investment blogs at and Tamela M. Rich is a business writer based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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