Rogue Booty

· Golden Angel LLC
4 recenzie
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

Revenge and risky decisions, plunder and passion on the high seas. 

Captain Mack and his first mate Jake Raw enjoy everything that life on the high seas has to offer in between their mission of revenge on the corrupt governor of Antigua. When they team up with a desperate widow on a mission to avenge her husband's untimely death, this pair of pirates find her to be an unexpected treasure. Blythe is an irresistible beauty whose bountiful body makes both men want to unfurl more than their ship's sails and a wicked bargain is struck. And as the trio plots to take their vengeance, they will find an equal amount of pleasure along with their plunder. 

Rogue Booty is a steamy standalone MFM menage pirate romance with a guaranteed HEA. It was previously published in the Pirates, Passion & Plunder anthology.  

Hodnotenia a recenzie

4 recenzie

O autorovi

Golden Angel is a USA Today best-selling author and self-described bibliophile with a "kinky" bent who loves to write stories for the characters in her head. If she didn't get them out, she's pretty sure she'd go just a little crazy.

She is happily married, old enough to know better but still too young to care, and a big fan of happily-ever-afters, strong heroes and heroines, and sizzling chemistry.

She believes the world is a better place when there's a little magic in it.

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