
· Myyjä: Penguin

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All Elise wants is a normal roommate. She thought starting her life over in San Diego would mean writing at the beach and rendezvousing with sun-kissed surfer gods. But once she arrives, her California dreaming' turns into a nightmare. Her apartment is miles from the ocean, her roommie Justine's boyfriend has moved in (and he isn't kicking in a penny-just smoking up a storm). And Elise is starting to get used to the helicopters that fly overhead, warning everyone to lock their doors. But she knows there must be better places to live, and better people to room with. Like Max. Actually, she'd like to share a whole lot more with him than a bathroom.


Tietoja kirjoittajasta

Whitney Lyles knows all about being a bridesmaid. She also knows about the trials and traumas of living with roommates at 27 and wishing for a home of one's own.

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