Salad Love: Crunchy, Savory, and Filling Meals You Can Make Every Day: A Cookbook

· በClarkson Potter የተሸጠ

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Discover 260 hearty, flavorful, and beautiful salads that can be prepared in a flash with little more than a knife and a cutting board.

Determined to eat more vegetables for lunch, David Bez embarked on a personal challenge to create one new salad every day using seasonal, healthy ingredients. In Salad Love, he shares his favorite recipes from his yearlong experience.
Crunchy, savory, and incredibly satisfying, these salads go beyond your typical combination of lettuce, protein, and toppings to create vibrant, plant-based meals that offer something for every palate. In summer, try Oak-Smoked Cheddar, Peaches, and Blueberries; for fall, savor hearty Roast Chicken, Quinoa, Red Pepper, and Peanuts; in winter, fuel up with Ham, Roasted Potatoes, Carrots, and Dried Cranberries; and in spring, enjoy Egg, Asparagus, Croutons, and Pecorino.

Complemented by 280 full-color photographs, Salad Love invites to you explore inspired salads any day of the year.


DAVID BEZ is the author of Salad Pride, a blog that chronicles his personal challenge to make one new salad a day for an entire year. A home cook, David created the blog after his coworkers expressed interest in his daily lunches. He lives in London with his wife and daughter.

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