Say This, Not That: A Foolproof Guide to Effective Interpersonal Communication

· Müüja: Penguin
6 arvustust

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This simple, straightforward guide to effective communication is for anyone who has ever wanted to “eat their words.”
Do you ever feel that your words produce the exact opposite effect of what you were hoping for—escalating tensions rather than solving problems? Author of Emotional Bullshit Carl Alasko has found that with the right guidance, anyone can learn effective communication skills. In Say This, Not That, Alasko presents readers with simple instructions for what to say . . . and what not to say. Accompanying each pair of statements is a brief discussion of what makes one so negative and destructive, and the other inviting of the kind of discussion needed. This book is the ultimate resource for anyone who longs to consistently say the right thing at the right time.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

6 arvustust

Teave autori kohta

Carl Alasko, Ph.D., has been a psychotherapist specializing in couples and families for thirty years. Author of Emotional Bullshit and Beyond Blame, he writes a weekly advice column “On Relationships” for the Monterey County Herald. He lives in Monterey, California, with his wife and son. 

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