Screw the Valley: A Coast-to-Coast Tour of America's New Tech Startup Culture: New York, Boulder, Austin, Raleigh, Detroit, Las Vegas, Kansas City

· BenBella Books, Inc.
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The most exciting high-tech startups are escaping the expensive and inbred environment of Silicon Valley. Welcome to the future.

Entrepreneurs know they must embrace innovation to excel—starting with where they locate their new venture. Fortunately, budding companies seeking fertile ground have more options today than ever before. Screw the Valley calls on today's entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners to forget California and explore other options across the country—cities that offer more room to breathe, easier access to funding and talented workers, fewer heads to butt, and less money down the drain.

Timothy Sprinkle visits seven areas that offer a superior landscape for tech startups:

New York City
Las Vegas
Kansas City

Sprinkle gives readers a window into the startup potential in each city, detailing which industries are thriving where, and highlighting the unique appeal and character of each location.

Bright ideas are not geographically limited, and innovation is happening every day in cities all over the country. It's time to think outside the box when it comes to startup location. It's time to say Screw the Valley.

Egileari buruz

Timothy Sprinkle is a longtime business journalist whose work has appeared in Wired, Entrepreneur, Outside, and on Yahoo! Finance, among other outlets. He has covered the technology space—and tech startups, in particular— for more than a decade as a reporter and editor and is widely published, both in print and online, on the subject of entrepreneurship and small business.

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