Scruples Two

· Scruples 2. liburua · Saltzailea: Bantam
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Scruples, Judith Krantz's  electrifying, world wide bestseller appeared fifteen  years ago and made book publishing history. Now  that unforgettable story, a story that marks an era,  a story that millions of readers wish had never  ended . . . continues. Only a single night's sleep  seperates the lives of the characters in  Scruples from this mesmerizing sequel.  Billy Ikehorn is a contemporary woman living on a  grand scale. A self-made beauty and the exquisite  owner of a fabled Beverley Hills boutique called  Scruples and married to the Oscar-winning producer  Vito Orsini. To those who only know her from  afar, she seems to lead a dream existence, wrapped in  all the power of glamout, riches, and success.  Then a stranger arrives in Billy's life--Gigi  Orsini, Vito's sixteen-year-old daughter by an early  marriage. Independent, deeply interesting,  street-smart, and enchantingly humorous, Gigi captures  Billy's heart and sets in motion a train of utterly  unexpected events. Life with Gigi hold both joy and  pain for Spider Elliot and Valentine O'Neill,  Billy's partners in Scruples. The many new freinds  Gigi makes during the next five years will grow  important to Billy in ways she could never have  forseen. Scruples Two moves swiflty  and unexpectadly, filled with breathtaking change,  from California to New York to Paris, following  two of the most fascinating and touching females in  modern fiction, Billy Ikehorn and Gigi Orsini.

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Egileari buruz

Judith Krantz began her career as a fashion editor and magazine article writer. Her first novel, Scruples, was an immediate top bestseller. Her other books include Princess Daisy, Mistral’s Daughter, I’ll Take Manhattan, Till We Meet Again, Dazzle, Scruples Two, Lovers, and Spring Collection. She lives in Bel Air, California, with her husband, movie and television producer Steve Krantz. They have two sons, Nicholas and Tony.

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