Sebastian Gerald

· World Castle Publishing, LLC
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Um þessa rafbók

A home invasion took Toby Hayden’s family, all but her grandfather, away from her when she was seven. After the horrors she’d witnessed that day, Toby trusted no one.

Sebastian Gerald had recently lost his wife and child from a mob hit meant to get his attention. He had turned down their “job” offer, and they were coming for him. Laying low was the prudent thing to do.

When a man came into the bar looking for someone related to a man named Anderson, Toby knew the family, but there was no way she’d give the stranger any information. When he put his hands on her the first time, Toby warned him not to do that, but when he put his hands on her again, it was the last warning…

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Um höfundinn

Kathi Barton, a winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award and a best-selling author on Amazon and All Romance books, lives in Nashport, Ohio, with her husband, Paul. When not creating new worlds and romance, Kathi and her husband enjoy camping and going to auctions. She can also be seen at county fairs with her husband, who is an artist and potter.

Her muse, a cross between Jimmy Stewart and Hugh Jackman, brings her stories to life for her readers in a way that has them coming back time and again for more. Her favorite genre is paranormal romance, with a great deal of spice. You can visit Kathi online and drop her an email if you’d like. She loves hearing from her fans.

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