Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know: Find Out How They Really Feel About Women, Relationships, Love, and Sex

· Dell විසින් විකුණයි
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Here's the book you'll wish you read before your  very first date. Renowned relationship expert  Barbara de Angelis, Ph.D. reveals:

-Secrets  about sex that men will never tell you

  -Which men spell trouble from the start

-How  to get the man you love to open up

-The  six biggest mistakes women make with men

  -The five biggest mysteries about men

  -What men say versus what they really mean

  -Why men always want to be right

-Men's top  twenty sexual turn-offs

-How to get as  much as you give

How much do you really  know about men and sex? Take the quizzes and see.  Here are exercises, checklists, dos, don'ts, and  proven-effective tools and techniques that can turn  you into a more powerful woman and absolutely  transform your relationships with men.

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Barbara De Angelis, PhD, internationally recognized as one of the foremost experts on human relations and personal growth, is the author of the #1 New York Times blockbusters Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know and Are You the One for Me? Her other bestsellers include Secrets About Life Every Woman Should Know, The Real Rules, Ask Barbara, Real Moments®, Real Moments® for Lovers, and How to Make Love All the Time. She's also a co-author of Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul. Through her books and award-winning television program and seminars, she has guided millions of people worldwide toward greater personal fulfillment in their relationships and in life.

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