Secrets of Speed: Today's Techniques for 4-Stroke Engine Blueprinting & Tuning

· Veloce Publishing Ltd
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This book covers the process of building 4-stroke engines to a professional standard, from selecting materials and planning work, right through to methods of final assembly and testing. It is written for the DIY engine builder in an easy-to-understand style, supported by approximately 200 photographs and original drawings. Containing five engine inspection and build sheets, and the contact details of approximately 45 specialist manufacturers and motorsport suppliers, it explains build methods common to all 4-stroke engines, rather than specific makes or models. An essential purchase for all engine-building enthusiasts.

Egileari buruz

Nick Swager’s experience building motorsport engines spans more than thirty years and two countries: the USA and Britain. Amongst others, he has worked on the development of drag racing and endurance engines and built motors for the Winston Cup Historic, WRC and Mille Millia Historic. He has served a City and Guilds apprenticeship and has a BA in English.

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