Shady Lady

· The Men from Special Branch Sách 5 · Được bán bởi Bantam
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Bestselling author Elizabeth Thornton weaves a tale of seduction, love, intrigue—and the most dangerous of romances.

As the Avon Journal’s no-nonsense publisher, Jolie Chesney always sticks to the facts. And the fact is that she finds the celebrated war hero who comes to her office angrily demanding a retraction unsettlingly charismatic. Waldo Bowman’s wild sexual exploits have found their way into the paper’s gossip column, and Jo has no intention of compromising her standards, journalistic or otherwise. But when her star reporter suspiciously vanishes, Jo seeks help from this dangerously sensual man, whose connection to the Special Branch may save her friend’s life, even if it means putting her own life—and heart—on the line.

Waldo Bowman senses danger in his instant attraction to Jo. Beautiful and independent, she is unlike any woman he knows—and he’s determined not to lose her, whatever the risk. For soon, these reluctant lovers will embark on a mystery that will either change their lives—or end them.

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3 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

  Bestselling, award-winning author Elizabeth Thornton was born and educated in Scotland and lived in Canada with her husband for more than forty years. She was a teacher, a lay minister in the Presbyterian Church, and a full-time writer. She died in 2010.

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