Simply to the Heart of the Matter

· AuthorHouse
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Barbaras poems are basically about family, friends, and general health and spiritual well being. She hopes some of you will say to yourselves I know what she means and others, I hadnt thought about things in quite that way. Life is meant to be full of love, fun, and giving back what you can to others. These are special things to have and to hold on to. God is with us all. Please visit my website at: My second book is to be published soon. It is about childrens poetry . It would make a great gift for a friend or family member.

Giới thiệu tác giả

Barbara Wooden is a first time author. She was raised on a farm in Baltimore, Maryland. Barbara lived a wide variety of lifestyles having lived in many foster homes. She graduated from highschool in 1973 and worked various jobs such as waiting tables, insurance company, and currently has her own cleaning service. She is a widow and a mother of one son. Through many trials and tribulations, she became inspired by God to write poems about her personal experiences growing up and lessons learned. She hopes to touch people’s hearts so that they can find special, simple ways to true happiness within themselves. Barbara also plans to publish a book of children’s poems in the near future.

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