Sound System Engineering: Edition 3

· Taylor & Francis
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Sound System Engineering Third Edition is a complete revision and expansion of the former work.
Written by two leading authorities in the field of audio engineering, this highly respected guide covers the fundamentals necessary for the understanding of today's systems as well as for those systems yet to come.

The space formerly occupied by outdated photographs of manufacturers' product and of older system installations has now been filled with new measurements and discussions of the measurement process.
The "Mathematics for Audio chapter has been expanded to include the mathematics of phasors. The "Interfacing Electrical and Acoustic Systems chapter has a completely new section covering the analysis of alternating current circuits. Additionally, system gain structure is now treated by both the available input power method and the voltage only method, complete with illustrations of each. All chapters dealing with loudspeaker directivity and coverage, the acoustic environment, room acoustics, speech intelligibility, and acoustic gain appear in up to date versions. In addition there is new material on signal delay and synchronization and equalization. There are completely new chapters on microphones, loudspeakers and loudspeaker arrays including line arrays with steering and beam-width control, and signal processing, both analog and digital.
The book runs the gamut of sound system design from the simplest all-analog paging system to the largest multipurpose digital systems.

In writing this third edition, the authors kept in mind the needs of sound system installers, sound system service technicians, and sound system designers. All three groups will find the material to be useful for everyday work as well as beneficial in the furtherance of their overall audio education.

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Before beginning his career as an author of true crime books, Don Davis worked for 30 years as a UPI correspondent on various assignments, including the Vietnam War and the White House beat. His works since have covered major crimes of the 1990s. They include Bad Blood: The Shocking True Story Behind the Menendez Killings (1994) and The Milwaukee Murders: Nightmare in Apartment 213: The True Story (1991) about the Jeffrey Dahmer case. Davis's other works include his first novel, Appointment With the Squire (1997), about World War II, and another novel, The Gris-Gris Man (1997), a story about voodoo killings in New Orleans. In addition to being a writer and reporter, Davis was an instructor of journalism at Boston University in 1979, and a lecturer at the U.S. Navel War College in 1983.

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