Structure & Function of the Body - E-Book: Structure & Function of the Body - E-Book, Edition 15

· Elsevier Health Sciences
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Mastering the essentials of anatomy, physiology, and even medical terminology has never been easier! Using simple, conversational language and vivid animations and illustrations, Structure & Function of the Body, 15th Edition walks readers through the normal structure and function of the human body and what the body does to maintain homeostasis.
  • Conversational and clear writing style
  • makes content easy to read and understand.
  • Full-color design contains more than 400 drawings and photos.
  • Clear View of the Human Body is a unique, full-color, semi-transparent insert depicting the human body (male and female) in layers.
  • Animation Direct callouts direct readers to Evolve for an animation about a specific topic.
  • Updated study tips sections at the beginning of each chapter help break down difficult topics and guide readers on how to best use book features to their advantage.
  • Special boxes such as Health and Well-Being boxes, Clinical Application boxes, Research and Trends boxes, and more help readers apply what they have learned to their future careers in health care and science.
  • NEW! Language of Science and Medicine section
  • in each chapter includes key terms, word parts, and pronunciations to place a greater focus on medical terminology
  • NEW! Thoroughly revised chapters, illustrations, and review questions reflect the most current information available.
  • NEW! High quality animations for the AnimationDirect feature clarify physiological processes and provide a realistic foundation of underlying structures and functions.
  • NEW! Simplified chapter titles provide clarity in the table of contents.
  • NEW! Division of cells and tissues into two separate chapters improves reader comprehension and reduces text anxiety.

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