Struggle and Survival on Wall Street: The Economics of Competition among Securities Firms

· Oxford University Press
1 mnenje

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U.S. securities firms are the most competitive in the world and are now facing challenges posed by the internationalization of securities markets. Struggle and Survival on Wall Street provides a comprehensive economic analysis of competition among securities firms. John Matthews analyzes the interaction of the industry's structure, conduct and performance. To meet the competition and the needs of their customers, he argues, firms develop new financial products, some of which become new lines of business. The most important decisions firms make concern the methods of entry into these lines of business. Those firms that successfully innovate and adapt their organizations are in the best position to deal with both domestic and international competition. The regulatory framework of the industry is vital to its growth and Matthews makes policy recommendations which urge regulators, particularly the Securities and Exchange Commission, to provide for a framework in which organizational change can take place.

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1 mnenje

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John Matthews is an Associate Professor of Economics at Villanova University.

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