Summer Queen

· Hades 2. kniha · Amelia Wilde
46 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

Persephone only wanted to escape. Now she’ll never see the sun again.

She’s been taken prisoner by a tortured billionaire. Hades insists it’s for her own safety. As his enemies close in, Persephone begins to see the broken man hidden behind diamonds and wealth.

The choice is between her freedom or his life.

But she’ll never be free without her heart.

"Summer Queen is a sexy shot of antihero goodness...this is the kinky, delicious retelling of the year!" –Sierra Simone, USA Today bestselling author

Summer Queen is the second in a delicious dark billionaire trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Amelia Wilde. King of Shadows must be read first. The series is now complete!

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46 recenzií

O autorovi

Amelia Wilde is a USA TODAY and Amazon Top 100 bestselling author of steamy contemporary romance and loves it a little too much. She lives in Michigan with her husband and daughters. She spends most of her time typing furiously on an iPad and appreciating the natural splendor of her home state from where she likes it best: inside.

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