Take a Walk: Portland: More Than 75 Walks in Natural Places from the Gorge to Hillsboro and Vancouver to Tualatin

· Sasquatch Books

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This guide to walks in greater Portland includes more than 75 of the best routes and destinations, including such gems as Forest Park in Portland and Rooster Rock in Corbett. Each route described includes distances and notes the steepness of the trail. Highlighted are recommended walks for birders, art lovers, beachcombers, history buffs, gardeners, and those who seek disabled access. Walking trails in the Portland metropolitan area can take you to old-growth forests, hilltops with spectacular views, and riverside locations. Grab your walking shoes and start exploring!

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BRIAN BARKER joined the editorial staff of Portland Monthly in 2006 and has written the magazine’s Trail of the Month/Field Notes column for the last nine years.

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