Take the Stairs: 7 Steps to Achieving True Success

· Müüja: Penguin
40 arvustust

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Do you ride the escalator-or take the stairs?

No matter how you define success, it always requires one thing: self-discipline. But as popular speaker and strategist Rory Vaden explains, we live in an "escalator world"-one that's filled with shortcuts, quick fixes, and distractions that make it all too easy to slide into procrastination, compromise, and mediocrity. What seems like an easier path is really much harder in the end-and, most important, it won't take you where you want to go.

How do successful people stay focused and achieve results? This lively and insightful guide presents a simple program for taking the stairs-that is, for overcoming the temptations of quick fixes and procrastination, conquering creative avoidance, and transcending personal setbacks in order to tackle the work that leads to real success.

Whatever your goals are, Rory Vaden's proven approach will get you there-one stair at a time.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

40 arvustust

Teave autori kohta

Rory Vaden is a self-discipline strategist, cofounder of the international training company Southwestern Consulting, and a New York Times bestselling author. As an author and business motivational speaker, Rory’s unique insights have been shared on Oprah Radio, as well as in BusinessweekPublishers Weekly, and Success magazine. He is the author of Take the Stairs: 7 Steps to Achieving True Success.

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