The American Heart Association Low-Salt Cookbook: A Complete Guide to Reducing Sodium and Fat in Your Diet (AHA, American Heart Association Low-Salt Cookbook)

· Sotuvchi: Ballantine Books
3 ta sharh
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The American Heart Association presents a must-have low-sodium cookbook with over 200 delicious dishes for people trying to decrease their salt intake—now completely updated and revised with 50 new recipes.

“Those in the know have been counting on American Heart Association books for years; the wide variety of recipes gets the whole family on track for heart-smart eating.”—Good Housekeeping
Dedicated to healthy eating, the American Heart Association has always provided readers with delicious ways to reduce their sodium intake—without sacrificing taste. Encompassing everything from appetizers and soups to entrées and desserts, The American Heart Association Low-Salt Cookbook is a wonderful collection of more than two hundred scrumptious low-salt and low-saturated fat recipes. Start with Hot and Smoky Chipotle-Garlic Dip, move on to Grilled Pork Medallions with Apple Cider Sauce or maybe the Cajun Snapper, and finish with a decadent Denver Chocolate Pudding Cake.
The American Heart Association Low-Sodium Cookbook provides nutrient analysis for each dish and tips on substituting ingredients, avoiding hidden sodium, and dining out while sticking to your low-sodium plan. You’ll learn how to accomplish your goals—and discover how stylish and flavorful eating heart-healthy can be!

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3 ta sharh

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The American Heart Association is the nation’s premier authority on heart health and stroke, with a bestselling library of cookbooks and health guides. The Association is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with affiliates that serve the entire United States.

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