The Annotated Pride and Prejudice: A Revised and Expanded Edition

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48 bài đánh giá
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

The first fully annotated edition of Jane Austen’s beloved classic, presenting the complete text alongside comprehensive, detailed annotations—now revised and expanded with hundreds of new notes and illustrations

A sheer delight for Jane Austen fans, The Annotated Pride and Prejudice contains the complete text of Pride and Prejudice with thousands of annotations, including:

Explanations of historical context: Rules of etiquette, class differences, the position of women, legal and economic realities, leisure activities, and more.
Citations from Austen’s life, letters, and other writings: Parallels between the novel and Austen’s experience are revealed, along with writings that illuminate her beliefs and opinions.
Definitions and clarifications: Archaic words, words still in use whose meanings have changed, and obscure passages are explained.
Literary comments and analyses: Insightful notes highlight Austen’s artistry and point out the subtle ways she develops her characters and themes.
Maps and illustrations: See the places and objects mentioned in the novel.
An introduction, a bibliography, and a detailed chronology of events
Of course, one can enjoy the novel without knowing the precise definition of a gentleman, or what it signifies that a character drives a coach rather than a hack chaise, or the rules governing social interaction at a ball, but readers of The Annotated Pride and Prejudice will find that these kinds of details add immeasurably to understanding and enjoying the intricate psychological interplay of Austen’s immortal characters.

Xếp hạng và đánh giá

48 bài đánh giá
Tai Hoang Anh
26 tháng 8, 2015
review : 5
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Giới thiệu tác giả

Jane Austen (1775–1817) was born in Hampshire, England, where she spent most of her life. Though she received little recognition in her lifetime, she came to be regarded as one of the great masters of the English novel.

David M. Shapard is the author of The Annotated Pride and Prejudice, The Annotated Persuasion, The Annotated Sense and Sensibility, The Annotated Emma, The Annotated Northanger Abbey, and The Annotated Mansfield Park. He graduated with a Ph.D. in European History from the University of California at Berkeley; his specialty was the eighteenth century. Since then he has taught at several colleges. He lives in upstate New York.

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