The Baller's Secret Baby: A Sports Romance

· Barnes Family 1-kitob · Normandie Alleman
67 ta sharh
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He may be a player, but this stud’s not shooting blanks.​


I'm nobody's baby daddy.

I don't care how many stunning women throw themselves at me,

looking to turn one hot night into an eighteen-year paycheck.

I've got way too much on the line to throw it away for one night of pleasure.

Ball is life, and basketball is my first priority.

I've got a championship to win.

But when I see that familiar face shaking her pom-poms on the sidelines,

I’m transported back to childhood,

Back to the days before a fiery plane crash ripped us apart,

forcing us to grow up overnight.

Those were the days when Eden Evans stole my heart.

This time, I might be ready to give it right back to her.


I have no interest in a man who comes with groupies.

With a rock legend for a father, I’ve seen the toll fame takes on a marriage.

The last thing I need is a guy with more Twitter followers than Justin Beiber.

So when Nick Barnes dribbles his way back into my life,

my heart and head go into battle.

I can't fight my desire for the sexy baller with his eight-pack abs

and panty-dropping charm.

And when that little stick shows an unmistakable plus sign,

suddenly, everything is on the line.

With a secret baby on the way, will Nick realize that having the home court advantage is what he's wanted all along?

Note: This is a standalone romance novel with a HEA and no cliffhangers. Light on basketball and heavy on steamy romance, this is the first book featuring members of the Barnes family.

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67 ta sharh

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USA Today bestselling author Normandie Alleman is a former psychologist who has always been fascinated by human behavior. She loves writing quirky characters that are all too human. "I'm interested in the kind of relationships people have in real life. So I write about my characters' messy, unpredictable, and inexplicable journey to love."

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