The Big Book of Small Business: The number 1 guide to growing, prospering and succeeding today

· Allen & Unwin
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'Andrew Griffiths knows his stuff' - Ross Gittins

Packed with inspirational and practical advice, The Big Book of Small Business will help every business owner build the business of their dreams.

Andrew Griffiths welcomes the 'age of the entrepreneur', the most exciting time for business owners - ever. In his down to earth, street smart style, he identifies new opportunities for smaller business operators to grow their business fast. He also shows how an entrepreneurial attitude can improve every aspect of a business, from customer relations to promotion to backroom accounts.

With more people than ever before starting new businesses, competition is increasing at unprecedented rates. Everyone is looking for a silver bullet to give them a competitive edge - this book is it.

If you only buy one business book this year, make it this one.

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Andrew Griffiths is an experienced entrepreneur with a real passion for small business. A sought after trainer and speaker with an international reputation, he offers smart, realistic and powerful solutions to business operators of all sizes. He is the author of 10 books sold in over 50 countries, including the bestselling 101 Ways to Market Your Business, 101 Survival Tips for Your Business and 101 Ways to Really Satisfy Your Customers.

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