The Center of the World

· Kensington Books
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

From the New York Times–bestselling author of Picture This—a stunning revelation sends a mother and her adopted daughter on a journey of self-discovery.

How do you keep a secret so huge that it could devastate everyone you care about? For Kate Malloy, the answer is simple: one lie at a time. That’s how she has protected her daughter for more than a dozen years, shielding her from a terrible truth. Sofia, a fifteen-year-old soccer star living in New England, believes she was born in Mexico and legally adopted by Kate. But a posthumous letter from her stepfather tells Sofia a different story—one of civil unrest and bloodshed, death-defying heroism and child-smuggling, harrowing sacrifice and desperate decisions.\

Sofia’s trust in her mother is shattered. At last Kate must do what she knows is right—accompany Sofia back to Guatemala—the place where Kate found horror and heartache but also the greatest joy of her life. As mother and daughter confront the damage done by years of dangerous yet necessary deceptions, they discover how much love, hope, and happiness may still remain—if they have the courage to face their past.

 Praise for The Center of the World

“Sheehan’s writing is lively and vivid and her feel for historical detail is fine.” —The New York Times

“Sheehan uses her skills as both a psychologist and a writer to create a solid, insightful story.” —Kirkus

“An emotionally charged tale that explores the mother-daughter bond, set against the backdrop of the Guatemalan Civil War and complete with beautiful prose despite the atrocities. . . . Sheehan places the reader in the middle of war-torn Guatemala and expertly carries her narrative through war and peace, fear and security, and love and redemption.” —Publishers Weekly

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Jacqueline Sheehan is the acclaimed author of The Center of the World and other bestselling novels. In addition to being a fiction writer and essayist, she is also a psychologist. She is a New Englander through and through, but spent twenty years living in the western states of Oregon, California, and New Mexico doing a variety of things, including house painting, freelance photography, newspaper writing, clerking in a health food store, and directing a traveling troupe of high school puppeteers. She lives near Northampton in Western Massachusetts. Visit her on Facebook or at

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