The Cheerleader and the Billionaire 3 (BWWM Interracial Romance): Rebound

· The Cheerleader and the Billionaire መጽሐፍ 3 · Viola Black
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ


Declan and Haylee have been together for a few months now and their relationship is going strong. They have just graduated from college together. Amanda, Haylee’s best friend, has just learned that she is pregnant and she and Chris are getting married. Haylee’s parents buy her a condo as a gift and she moves in with Declan. Not too long after, Haylee and Declan get married.

Their lives are going perfect, they have a young baby boy and nothing could be better. Haylee has started a new job and Declan is doing well with law enforcement. She was just waiting for the shoe to drop. Declan dies suddenly of a heart problem and her world collapses. Her son becomes ill and she loses her job. Amanda steps in and makes her go to an interview, where she runs it with a part of her past she never thought she would encounter again.

WARNING: Mature readers only.

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