The Complete Idiot's Guide to Recovering from Identity Theft

· Prodajalec: Penguin

O tej e-knjigi

A clear path out of the nightmare 

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States and in many cases the victim has no knowledge of the theft until the situation is dire. Author Mari J. Frank, an attorney and advocate for victims of identity theft, takes the reader through every step necessary to reclaim their identity and wipe the records of theft off of all reports.

• Covers every kind of fraud including bank, credit card, loans, insurance, medical, government, tax, professional license, business, employer, and online
• A step–by–step process to reclaiming identity and wiping the records of theft off all reports

O avtorju

Mari J. Frank, a lawyer and privacy consultant, is the author of several works, including From Victim to Victor: A Step by Step Guide for Ending the Nightmare of Identity Theft, Safeguard Your Identity: Protect Yourself with a Personal Privacy Audit, Privacy Piracy: A Guide to Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft, Identity Theft: Prevention and Survival, and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Recovering from Identity Theft.

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