The Complete Kane Chronicles

· The Kane Chronicles · გამყიდველი: Disney Electronic Content
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A collection fit for the (Egyptian) gods! All three books in the blockbuster Kane Chronicles trilogy are together at last! This series will be treasured by readers of all ages, whether they're experiencing Sadie and Carter's amazing adventures for the first time or are faithful fans eager to devour the saga all over again.

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302 მიმოხილვა

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RICK RIORDAN is the author of all the books in the New York Times #1 best-selling Percy Jackson and the Olympians series: The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian. His other novels for children include the New York Times #1 best-selling series The Kane Chronicles (The Red Pyramid, The Throne of Fire, and The Serpent's Shadow) and The Heroes of Olympus (The Lost Hero, and The Son of Neptune). He lives in San Antonio, Texas with his wife and two sons. Learn more at

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