The Disengagement Ring

· Balally Books

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After a series of hopeless relationships, Kate O’Neill is ready to settle down. So when her boyfriend Brian finally asks her to marry him, she accepts. Her only misgiving is that her family don’t like him. But she’s sure they’ll come around in time.

However, her eccentric mother Grace thinks Kate is making a big mistake. So she conspires to pack her off to Tuscany for the summer to work as a private chef for rock band Walking Wounded – whose manager just happens to be Kate’s lifelong crush, Will Sargent.

Though catering to wayward rock stars and their demanding entourage is challenging, Kate loves her new job. But spending time with Will dredges up old feelings, and her biggest challenge is remembering that she has a fiancé – and Will has a girlfriend.

As temperatures rise, will Kate be able to keep her head and figure out where her heart truly lies?

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