The End Is Just the Beginning: Lessons in Grieving for African Americans

· Harmony саткан
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A nationally revered minister and certified grief specialist shares words of comfort for Africans Americans in mourning.

Every culture has unique ways of coping with the devastating loss of a loved one, but in some households these important traditions have succumbed to the modern emphasis on returning to the business of life. Knowing from firsthand experience that these rituals of mourning are essential to a survivor’s emotional well-being, renowned counselor and minister the Reverend Dr. Arlene Churn now offers a special book that restores African American customs for honoring the deceased.

Unlike Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ stages of grief, the Rev. Dr. Churn maintains that people experience different kinds of mourning depending on how their loved one died­—the passing of an elderly grandparent is different than the grief a mother experiences when she has lost a child. Enhancing this process with poignant testimonials and wisdom tailored for African American readers, she addresses a range of specific end-of-life circumstances that will guide them through their natural and varied reactions, leaving them with a wealth of memories of their beloved.

Imparting beautiful philosophies for difficult days, The End is Just the Beginning heals life’s most inevitable sorrow.

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1 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

An ordained Baptist minister and certified Grief Counsel Specialist, REVEREND ARLENE CHURN, ph.D., has served as Plenary Chair of the White House Conference on Children and coordinator of the 3.5 million female members of the National Baptist Convention. Currently President of Unlimited Horizons, a consulting firm, she travels around the globe as an acclaimed motivational speaker. The Reverend Dr. Churn lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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