The Everything Coaching and Mentoring Book: How to increase productivity, foster talent, and encourage success

· Simon and Schuster ээс худалдаалагдав
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One of the most difficult things to do as a manager is spotting raw talent and then devoting the time and energy to shape and mold that employee toward achieving growth and excellence. The Everything Coaching and Mentoring Book, 2nd Edition guides managers and aspiring managers through implementing a successful coaching and mentoring program both in the workplace and in life.

From delegating responsibility to expanding knowledge base and skill level, The Everything Coaching and Mentoring Book, 2nd Edition gives you completely updated information on this new approach.

This indispensable guide features information on:
  • Inspiring self-motivation
  • Coaching versus mentoring
  • Overcoming common workplace problems
  • Managing diversity
  • Debunking common myths and mis-conceptions
The Everything Coaching and Mentoring Book, 2nd Edition even takes readers beyond the workplace and provides insight into extending their newfound knowledge in all areas of life - including at home and in social settings.

Зохиогчийн тухай

Nicholas Nigro is a former publishing professional and a freelance writer. He is the author of several books, including The Everything? Collectibles Book. Mr. Nigro lives in the Bronx, New York.

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