The Good Corporate Citizen: A Practical Guide

· Saltzailea: John Wiley & Sons
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Corporate citizenship refers to the way a company integrates basic social values with everyday business practices, operations and policies. A corporate citizenship company understands that its own success is intertwined with societal health and well being. Therefore, it takes into account its impact on all stakeholders, including employees, customers, communities, suppliers, and the natural environment.

This handbook draws from the author?s experience crafting and implementing philanthropic and volunteer strategies with companies such as IBM, Exxon, Mobil, 3M, and General Mills. A step-by-step primer on creating a comprehensive corporate citizenship program, The Good Corporate Citizen lays out how companies can maximize this exciting new trend.

Doris Rubenstein (Minneapolis, MN) has worked for over 25 years with some of America?s most respected nonprofit organizations.

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Doris Rubenstein is the founder and Principal Consultant with PDP Services, a philanthropy advising and management firm in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Working as a fundraiser for more than twenty-five years, she gained experience in the philanthropic methods of such highly visible companies as IBM, ExxonMobil, 3M, and General Mills. A frequent speaker on the topic of corporate citizenship, Rubenstein teaches at Hamline University (St. Paul, Minnesota), as well as offers professional courses at Prosources. Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Financial Planning, The Business Journal, Minnesota Business Magazine, Star Tribune, Trusts and Estates Magazine, Ventures, Law & Politics, and others.

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