The Great Instauration

· Được bán bởi Simon and Schuster
Sách điện tử
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Francis Bacon is considered the father of modern science. He proposed, at his time, a great reformation of all process of knowledge for the advancement of learning divine and human. He called it Instauratio Magna (The Great Instauration). Bacon planned his Great Instauration in imitation of the Divine Work-- the Work of the Six Days of Creation, as defined in the Bible, leading to the Seventh Day of Rest or Sabbath in which Adam's dominion over creation would be restored, thus dividing the great reformation in six parts: 1. Partitions of the Sciences 2. New Method 3. Natural History 4. Ladder of the Intellect 5. Anticipations of the 2nd Philosophy 6. The Second Philosophy or Active Science.

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